Before You Visit The Dermatologist…

18 Jun

Most of the time you can treat your skin problems with some good online research and a wise selection of products, other times a trip to a professional may be required. Here are a few advisory points to consider before you take a trip to the dermatologist.

  • Dermatologist procedures are not cheap, be prepared for a hefty bill. Sometimes several visits are prescribed and this can become extremely expensive.
  • Dermatologist procedures are usually pretty invasive and may hurt a fair bit. There may be several weeks of swelling and pain associated with a procedure, so allow for some recovery time.
  • Dermatologist procedures do have a small but real chance not having the effect you expexted. In rare cases you could end up worse than before the treatment. Any time you damage the skin or blast it with a laser, there is always a chance that things could go wrong!
  • Only ever go to a real board-certified Dermatologist to have any medical procedures done in order to minimize the risk. It’s best to avoid Spa type places and other beauty/wellness salons that provide invasive skin treatments not conducted by a qualified Dermatologist.

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